Feeling one with Pacha Mama
Feb 12, 2024Her softness, her beauty, her gentleness, her grounding, I felt held by Pacha Mama.
Exactly one week after being back in the mother city, I left Cape Town for the day to immerse myself in nature. With my nomadic gridwork lifestyle, I learned to allocate spaciousness during travel days, especially given the energetic work that I facilitate.
Where I was hopping from place to place in my twenties, my thirties call for more groundling and longer stays.
Transitioning with more ease
Finally, I fully surrendered taking 2 weeks of less to no online presence. Allowing me to travel even more consciously through time and space as I relocated continents. I had spent about 7 months on the Asian continent and was about to travel to the African continent. The continent on earth that feels closest to home for my human self.
I took 1 week to close chapters in the country I left behind (Bali), and one week to settle in the new country (South Africa) with ease, flow, and grace. Past versions experienced stress & FOMO, but this time around it had transformed into simply adjusting my plans.
Resulting in moving the start date for our new 3-month mentorship ALCHEMY 2 weeks ahead, without feeling guilty or a failure. Time for a little celebration ;-)
Feeling Safe in Your Body
The main requirement to ease into the natural flow of life, in divine balance within the divine feminine & masculine energies is feeling safe in your body.
The level of how safe you feel in your body will determine how gently you can trust and surrender to life’s flow. If you do not feel safe in your body your body contracts, and your nervous system feels stressed, you will most likely act in control. Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and not seeing a way out.
So feeling safe is the first requirement, and this can be felt in many different layers, from emotional, financial, mental, and physical, to quantum safety. It also takes practice, because no matter the chapter of your journey, you are teaching your body to trust the new habits, whilst you break ancestral imprints.
In the initial phase, the unknown always feels fearful. But here’s the thing, there will always be fears, doubts, and insecurities that pop up because each level has a new devil. And the sooner you learn to accept that this is part of your choice to be a human on Earth during these times, the sooner you will find ways to play with these energies.
Leaving Your Body
Also, in the moments when fear and overwhelm surface your soul generally leaves the body. So you are flying out, as I like to refer to it.. Being in the body causes discomfort and your mind is programmed to protect you. So overthinking & fear will detach you from your feelings & body, and off you go.
As a little girl, I spent most of my time out of my body. When the trauma was taking place, I had one very specific place in my bedroom where my soul would wander. I would also slow down breathing and at times stop breathing completely. In this way, I was disconnecting even further from what was happening in those moments. (For those that are new to my world, I have been sexually abused since the age of 5).
It was in my early thirties that I started to remember how it feels to be in the body through the healing journey of my sexual trauma and working with my body as the most advanced technology we are co-creating with. As I released these memories, trauma, emotions, and false beliefs, I created space for my soul to be embodied in my physical body, activating more soul remembrance and retrieving soul parts from my oversoul network.
One of the most powerful practices to call your soul back into your Home Body is breath alchemy. You can change your reality instantly by taking 3-deep inhales into your heart. Place your hands on your heart to amplify this feeling and feel the physical touch.
Another powerful yet simple practice in moments of panic and overwhelm is to connect with nature and focus on the sounds around you, like the birds, the ocean waves, or the wind.
Repeat these words (or channel your divine mantra):
The goddess remembers that she has to descend back into her body to RISE. She does not escape, she does not avoid, she goes fully in, doing her Sacred Root work as this is her gateway into Body Liberation, sovereignty, and freedom.
However, having structures in place will help transition and navigate bigger quantum leaps in life.
For your business, this can look like:
- Creating the spaciousness to be able to take a break
- Plan ahead (not being able to plan or to have structures in place can be a trauma response)
- Delegate tasks to your team
- Build a community
- Co-create with other leaders
- Have residual income streams
For your ascension, this can look like:
- Taking time off (also asking your quantum team to slow down the DNA activations;-))
- Connect with your body
- Allocating sacred time to your somatic practices & quantum upgrades
- Immerse yourself in nature
- Stay hydrated
- Eat vibrant clean foods
- Co-create with the elements
- Connection & Community
Your feminine can only trust & surrender when she feels safe and held by her inner masculine, this is a sacred space where true magic unfolds.
If you feel the call to RISE into the goddess. and expand your emotional availability I welcome you to join our all-year-round membership FLOW, and if you desire to go even deeper I welcome you to join, our private Embodied Ascension & New Earth Leadership Mentorship.
You are the CEO of your life
It was the safety I created for myself that allowed me to transition with much more ease from Ubud to Cape Town. Going back to a country that I once called home, also helped since I was revisiting the familiar. Revisiting as a new me though, so it did feel challenging at times.
During the first week, I noticed I was suppressing my emotions and kept myself busy. Being back in the city it felt less comfortable to fully open myself.
Being resistant to anchoring in these new timelines showed up like this:
- Wanting to watch series
Numbing my body :S
- Not staying hydrated
Making it more challenging to embody the new upgrades with ease
- Overeating & eating more carbs
Lowering my frequency, closing my channels to source
- Not being physically active
Keeping the energy stuck
Resistance can surface in many different ways and will look different for everyone. It requires a level of self-accountability and responsibility to catch your patterns, beliefs, and feelings, and break the cycle.
The key lies in creating spaciousness for your human experience, allowing it all to be without any judgment. Because there is a time and place to feel these human aspects, as much there is a time and place to stop your own bullshit and action your soul-aligned steps. As long as you remember it’s all temporary it will serve you more to feel the feels and walk through the fire.
I am not consistent in my energy and my 'good' habits! In those moments I cancel plans, my home looks messy, I order food, and spend more time inside. In my work I am also not consistent, sometimes I work 3 days fully on fire what seems 24/7, and not doing anything for 3 days afterward.
Personally, when I witness avoidance patterns happening in my field, I give my human some time to adjust. For example, traveling are big quantum shift, you quite literally moving into a new reality overnight;-)
After a couple of days (max 2 weeks) I re-activated the leadership codex within me to steward my ascension as the CEO of my life.
It's the moment the girl who felt lost and overwhelmed is politely yet firmly asked to take a different seat at my round table so that the badass CEO is taking control of her life again.
Co-creation with the grid, earth, and the elements
Now let's loop back to what I started with in the intro....
After a week of being in the city grids and feeling less connected, I invited my sistar to go to West Coast National Park. I always loved this place, because you can swim in the lagoon without freezing your toes :P. Little did I know that this was turning into a huge initiation, leading me into death & rebirth.
The moment we left the city I could feel the energy shift, it was as if I could breathe again. My body slowly started to open and it felt safe for my heart to open how I remembered it to feel back in Bali. So I did. By the time we entered the National Park, I felt more like myself again. It made me realize how abundant and peaceful the Balinese grids are and how important nature is for my well-being.
For the first time since my arrival back in SA, I felt one with Mama Earth. It all started with the decisions that I made already in the early AM that day. During my stay in Bali, I bought BALIPURA Aura Spray, I had been using the protection spray but that specific morning I felt guided to use the Let Go Spray. & boy did I let go..
I had been to this national park many times before with different friends and loved ones. So as I was lying on the beautiful soft white sand I was guided on a journey down memory lane, specifically into one memory. The power of being back in SA is that I have reference points of how I once felt and how I do feel in this present moment, which is allowing me access to seeing deeper layers of growth and evolution within myself.
Soon I found myself in some sort of trance being held by the Earth grids, becoming one with the sand I released any attachment still linked to these past timelines. A powerful release of insecurities, doubts, and the lack of seeing myself followed.
Making Life a Ceremony
In these moments I always like to connect with Gaia, in this case, this resulted in lying in the sand without a towel, my full body being immersed in Pacha's Mama's grounding powers, and my feet and hands buried in the sand a little. The light breeze of wind amplified the clearing and the water supported the purification process even further. Back in the water, I was being called by my ancestors and loving council to say a prayer, sing, and channel light language in all 4 wind directions. Closing the ritual I dipped my full body including my head into the water three times.
On our way leaving the National Park back to the main road I received many downloads, channeling and anchoring light codes into these grids supported by my ancestors, the African Lands, the dragons, but specifically the White Lion's energies. I left the park soulfilled.
Witnessing god's play
A kids' photoshoot was also taking place on the beach, this brought up a lot of codes and insights as well. Did these kids even consent to this work? I asked myself... One specific boy just wanted to run around the beach and play, and he was constantly being called into "his place". There was so much disturbance in the image we were witnessing. Kids being lived, adults fully stressed, demanding communication, orders that had to be followed, a lot of guidance via touch and being pushed around, pressure to perform, time pressure and so much more.
This energy felt intense, unkind, and not aligned with the life on Earth that I wish for our children and the next generations.
However, there was one profound moment which I am happy I could bear witness as well. The moment the photoshoot was finished the celebration energy was felt, and a huge field of tension was released. This was the perfect picture of how energy works and how the tension that the adults were holding onto in their field and body of work was impacting the kids and the timeline they were playing in.
The realization hit once I felt these are the playfields most of humanity are playing in. Damn, South Africa is bringing in another level of realness, contrast, and awareness that we currently live in a world where all exist simultaneously.
It also made me realize I have a full team of creatives ready and waiting for my human to level up to receive my soul's creation @MULTIDIMENSIONAL.WOMBAN. Translating my story into art, beauty, and higher states of consciousness. To support, activate, inspire & empower humanity in their journey of remembrance. You can find out more about my baby and passion project here :D
To come back to how I call my soul back to feeling safe in my body, I'd love to share the quantum flow practice with you. I while back I facilitated a free global activation FLOW into joy.
In celebration of the evolution of this beautiful soul's service offering, we are re-opening our doors for new enrollments in March. The membership is receiving a full revamp in branding and offering, so stay tuned as it's going to be epic!
You can visit this link for the Free Global Activation or send me a DM on Instagram, @nishanthi.mabunuge_global if you have any questions or would like to connect.
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